[LinuxFailSafe] Problems compiling Linux Failsafe
2003-06-26 12:54:20 UTC

I'm working in a computing center as an administrator for UNIX Systems.
I'm especially responsible for HA-solutions, which are all on AIX with
HACMP at the moment.

We perhaps want to migrate some Clusters to Linux but cannot find an
appropriate HA-solution for Linux.
SGI Failsafe looks like a possible solution for us, as it supports the
features we need.

But I've have much problems compiling it.
I downloaded it via cvs and wanted to compile it on Debian GNU/Linux
3.0r1, but many things went wrong -- perhaps too many to post here.
Does anybody here have experiences in compiling Failsafe on Debian or even
have binaries?

Thank you for your help.

Matthias Hofer/ARZ

GNU/Linux is a wigwam: no Windows, no Gates, and an apache inside.
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Kashif Shaikh
2003-06-27 14:51:23 UTC
Post by matthias.hofer
I'm working in a computing center as an administrator for UNIX Systems.
I'm especially responsible for HA-solutions, which are all on AIX with
HACMP at the moment.
We perhaps want to migrate some Clusters to Linux but cannot find an
appropriate HA-solution for Linux.
SGI Failsafe looks like a possible solution for us, as it supports the
features we need.
But I've have much problems compiling it.
I downloaded it via cvs and wanted to compile it on Debian GNU/Linux
3.0r1, but many things went wrong -- perhaps too many to post here.
Does anybody here have experiences in compiling Failsafe on Debian or even
have binaries?
Search the list archives, there were many who had problems compiling Failsafe
and dependant packages. Though, I would first recommend trying to setup a
stock redhat 7.x/8.0 or suse box for testing and getting a grip on what to
compile. For example, I compiled Failsafe on gentoo but had many problems
during run-time.

Post by matthias.hofer
Thank you for your help.
Matthias Hofer/ARZ
GNU/Linux is a wigwam: no Windows, no Gates, and an apache inside.