AW: [LinuxFailSafe] 2 node cluster
Martin Bene
2003-05-16 06:40:59 UTC
Hi Dan,
however, i need, as explained, both machines active at the same time...
active-active... not active-standby
What you want can be done both with failsave and with heartbeat, the later
having the advantage of being MUCH easier to install.

Also, I'd suggest doing things slightly differently from your specification:

- give each node a node IP address. The node retains this address at all
times, it is NEVER moved/migrated by the cluster manager. This IP is just for
management purposes and to make configuration easier - it's the default setup
for both failsafe and heartbeat. No public services use this address.

- give each node an additional high availability IP address. these addresses
are manageged by the cluster manager (i.e moved to the remaining node in case
of a failure). All services the node provides use these addresses.

Bye, Martin
